sermon on the mount series
(January 5 - march 2)

Sunday service
9 AM | KCF Center - 705 S. King Street, Ste. 106
Lesson from the Bible, Worship Songs, Interview. Casual atmosphere. Come as you are. We're a laid back community of people with serious faith seeking God's best for our life.
Join us as we kick-off 2025 with Jesus' longest recorded sermon known as "Sermon on the Mount" (Jan. 5 - Mar. 2). At a time when we all are seeking truth and direction in a chaotic world, let's discover together what scholars, Christian and non-Christian alike, consider the greatest teaching on morality in the history of the world. Each week we focus on what is written in Scripture, watch a short video produced by the BibleProject, engage in specific practices of spiritual formation, and participate in discussion groups.
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We are a group of ordinary people who seek to follow an extraordinary God. We are passionate about our Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible is God's Word and we hold fast to its truths and principles. We are committed to follow Jesus and His instructions to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to go out and reach people with His love where we live and throughout the world.