upcoming events
Sunday In-Person Gathering
Sundays @ 9 AM | KCF Church Office
Join us for an in-person gathering at the KCF Church Office where we connect, worship, and seek God together.
kcf 20th anniversary & commissioning service
Thursday, January 11th @ 5:30 PM | Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii
We look forward to seeing you and celebrating 20 years of God's goodness and faithfulness and as we commission Pastor Mark and Pastor Dave into God's new roles for them here at KCF.
Registration is required due to limited seating. Please email info@kcfhawaii.org to request a seat at this event.
Stay connected
Join us on YouTube.
Subscribe to our channel by going to Youtube.com and searching for “Kakaako Christian Fellowship" or just simply click on the red Youtube icon.
Check back here on our website regularly.
We will be updating our site regularly to communicate any information and updates. Check our site regulalry to stay informed and stay connected.
Subscribe to our site.
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Some Life Groups will to gather, while others will meet online. Sign up to join a Life Group and stay connected and fellowship.
Follow us on social media.
Life Groups
Keep meeting as Life Groups, preferably digitally, and keeping in mind the guideline of keeping groups 10 or less.
Facilitate your growth as a follower of Jesus and gather together with others to "devote yourself to the apostles' teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." (Acts 2:42)
Join a Life Group.
Fear and anxiety fuel so many in our world today, and can be debilitating in the darkest of days. Yet, Christ calls us to be rooted in faith, standing on His promises and truth to get us through. Fear and faith cannot occupy the same space, so we lift our gaze to Jesus and praise takes over the darkness, bringing light and life as we lift our hands to believe. He is with us, our refuge and strength. Faithful, forever.
Even in the darkest night of the soul, there is always a song to sing.
We are a group of ordinary people who seek to follow an extraordinary God. We are passionate about our Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible is God's Word and we hold fast to its truths and principles. We are committed to follow Jesus and His instructions to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to go out and reach people with His love where we live and throughout the world.