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New wineskins at kcf

God is calling us to something new in the next season --”KCF 2.0”.  We are transitioning into these new “wineskins” through the summer and into the fall.  Please stay tuned for exciting developments as we re-envision our expression of the Acts 2 church.

sunday mornings

We will be focusing our Sunday mornings on preparing people to follow Jesus in a deeper way and empowering them to make an impact in our world.  Starting July 7 at McKinley Community School for Adults, we will have a 9 am worship service and “second half” with opportunities for Life Groups and classes (10:45-noon).

life groups

These groups are for those who desire to grow as a disciple of Christ.  There will be a variety of themes/topics; and groups will meet at various times and locations throughout the week.

family ministries

We are organizing ministries to disciple families and are developing our 

vision and plan for children to graduate high school as fully devoted followers of Christ. This will include Kidz4Christ, Youth, parenting and marriage groups, and training and events to equip marriages and families.

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