During this amazing time, there has been a strong sense that God is calling us all to a divine reset. A time where we can look at our lives and review, reassess, adjust our values, our priorities, our time according to God’s instructions and standards. If you have taken time to do this, it is an incredible time. If you have not, I would strongly encourage you to take advantage of this time to do so.
Pastor Sunny and his wife, Hailey, have been doing exactly that. They have sought God together, spending much time with Him. We have had numerous conversations about this process. It became apparent to the Hongs that God was calling them to relocate to Maryland, where Sunny lived before coming to Hawaii. It is where his mother resides as well as his sister and her family. It will be a great for the Hongs to reconnect with family. Much prayer went into this decision and I affirm God’s leading in this. So, it’s with much excitement for their new adventure and sadness saying goodbye that I would like to announce that Sunny, Hailey and their 3 children will be heading home to Maryland on August 1.
The reason things seem to be happening so quickly is school in Maryland begins at the end of August and they would like to settle in before that. That makes a lot of sense, especially when you are relocating with 3 young children.
As you might imagine, there’s much to be done as Sunny finishes up his responsibilities here at KCF, as well as all the details that go along with a move like this. With this in mind, we decided they will need much time to prepare for this move and so Sunny’s last day serving here at KCF will be June 30. They will take the month of July to prepare for the move to Maryland.
In the three and a half years of serving with Sunny, I have grown to appreciate his heart for Jesus, his passion to follow Him. The same is true for his wife, Hailey. I have grown to love and care for them. In a sense, they are like a spiritual son and daughter to JoAnn and me. And like it is with children, there comes a time to release them to go on to their next adventure as they follow Jesus. I would like to ask you all to pray for them as they make the move over. Pray for a home for them to settle into. Pray for a job for Sunny. Pray for a church to be a part of. Most of all, pray for God’s presence and power as they assimilate to life in Maryland. I am reassured by God’s word in 1 Thessalonians 5:24, “The One who calls you is faithful, and He will do it.”
The unfortunate thing is in this time we find ourselves, we will not be able to get together to send them off. I would like to encourage you to connect with the Hongs and most of all pray for them. We will look for a creative way to send them off with our blessing!
God is faithful!