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Pastor Mark


It is hard to believe that we have been doing our services digitally for 3 months now. During that time, much has changed, in the world and also in our church. John Maxwell once said,“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”Yes, so much has changed. But the important question is,“Have we grown?”In many ways, these past months have truly been a time of resetting and reflecting. I trust that you have all grown in some way, especially in your relationship with God. One of the blessings of this time has been realizing that we are personally responsible for our own relationship with God. We don’t go to a location once a week to connect with God. We connect with God every day, right where we are. Change is often uncomfortable but a very good and necessary thing.

As we finish our series in the Psalms, I hope that you gotten into the Word and allowed the Word to get into you. The Psalms is truly God’s medicine chest for our hearts and the Bible is the best guide for our lives.

Starting on July 5, we will be looking at where we believe God is leading us and how we will grow in the midst of all that has changed. In order to grow, we need to make sure our lives are built on the solid rock, which is Jesus Christ. Over the next few months, our focus will be on having a solid foundation in 7 key areas of our lives. I am excited about where God is leading us and for the opportunity for all of us to grow. So, I want to encourage you to please join in and allow God to speak to your hearts and fill you with faith.

We don’t know what the future holds, but we do know Who holds the future!



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