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want to pray with someone
or want to learn to pray?

Calling on God is something everyone can do!  


God promises to save all who call on the name of the Lord! We are reminded that, "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved" (Acts 2:21).


The prayer team wants to encourage you to come before God -- thank Him, ask Him, present your requests to Him. Philippians 4:6-7 tells us to “not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”


So take time to pray; and let us know...


Would you like someone to pray with or are you interested in learning how to pray?




In light of the current pandemic related to Covid-19, we are calling the people of the Missionary Church to united, persistent, extraordinary prayer. Extraordinary times call for extraordinary prayer. Most who are reading this are already praying. This call to prayer is an attempt to unite us in prayer and create some rhythms of prayer. We have this promise from 2 Chronicles 7:14, that if God’s people will humble themselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways, He will hear from heaven and heal their land. 


These are challenging times, and yet we could be on the verge of one of the greatest moves of God in our lifetime. Every spiritual awakening has been preceded by extraordinary prayer. We pray with a sense of anticipation for what God is going to do.


Two New Rhythms for United Prayer: 


DAILY — 8:20 pm Prayer: This idea came out of China, where some friends operate on military time: 8:20 is 20:20 in military time. They committed to praying daily each evening with family at 20:20 in the year 2020. And 8:20 in the evening for them is 8:20 in the morning for us. By joining believers in China in daily prayer, we are together covering the morning and the evening. 


Set your phone or watch to remind you to pray at 8:20 each evening. This would be a great time to gather your family together before retiring for the evening. Read a passage of Scripture and pray together.


WEEKLY — Fasting and Prayer: We are encouraging those who can to set aside one day each week as a day of fasting and prayer. You may fast from food, media, or however the Lord leads you. You may fast one meal or the entire day, but we urge you to set aside time to seek the Lord. 


Finally, as we pray, make note of how you see God working. It would be great to hear stories of how God is moving in your family, church, or community. God is good!


PRAYER GUIDE: Pastor Eddy Ekmekji from As You Are Church in Reseda, California, has put together this comprehensive prayer guide that you can use with your family and in your personal time of prayer.

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