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New wineskins at kcf

God is calling us to something new in the next season --”KCF 2.0”.  We are transitioning into these new “wineskins” through the summer and into the fall.  Please stay tuned for exciting developments as we re-envision our expression of the Acts 2 church.


Share with us how we can pray. 

Send our prayer team a message about how they can pray

for you.


Join us as we seek to love God more and love others more in very practical ways.  Come to hang out, fellowship with us, and serve others!  



Learn more about our Youth Ministries - our nursery, Kidz4Christ, and Middle School & High School Youth Group

sermons + RESOURCES

Listen to KCF's worship service messages here any time during your week.

Access our Bible Bookmarks and join us as we read through the bible or join our RightNow media page - "a streaming library of Bible study videos that inspires faith every day of the week."


We offer a place to where our babies can enjoy a place to play and have some fun in our NURSERY during our Sunday services. 


We offer a place to where our preschooler and elementary students gather together to worship, learn about God, participate in activities that help them grow in their relationship with Christ Jesus.



Our Junior High and High Schoolers meet during our second service times where they gather together to worship and dive into the Word of God, fellowship, and grow in their relationship with Christ Jesus.


Check out the youth site for more information. 

Communion Sunday

Communion, or the Lord's Supper, is a time where we remember what Jesus did for us. We join together to remember Jesus sacrifice for us by dying on the cross. Jesus told us we should continue to take time to do this to continually remember what He has done for us. Check out our guidelines and instructions for doing this with your family. 

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