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The Word

We believe wholeheartedly in the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Bible that provides the instruction and guidance for everything we do. We hold everything we do against the authority of the Bible.


We value our relationship with God and seek to continually communicate with Him. We do this through prayer. We take everything to God in prayer and take time to listen to His voice and leading.


We express our gratitude and thanks to God for who He is and for everything He does. We love to “hang out” with God.


We value relationships and all the “one anothers” in the Bible. We value being real, honest, and loving with each other. We love to “hang out” with each other.


We are committed to reach, inspire, prepare and empower every person to become a faithful, fruitful and fulfilled follower of Jesus. We are called to make disciples of all people.


We take seriously God’s mission for us to reach people with His love where we live and around the world. We are passionate about going out and sharing the love of Jesus.


We recognize that everything we have is from God and will share and give with generosity as God directs. We can never outgive God.

every person is a minister

We believe that every person is called to minister the love of Jesus. We are all called to serve. Leaders serve by leading and we all serve by ministering.


We will not limit God in how we do things. We will paint in the box, around the box and outside the box because God is a creative God.


We will be joyful as we follow Jesus. We are a community of joyful, fun-loving followers of Jesus.

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