About us
We are a Christian Church who is called to love God with everything we’ve got. We are also called to love others as ourselves. We will love in word and deed. We will actively seek to do small things with great love in the world around us.
Our commitment is to go beyond the walls of our church and into the heart of the city, the marketplace, of the marketplace and for the marketplace. We will go out into the marketplace and love people into the Kingdom of God and help them grow in their knowledge of and love for our Father in heaven. In doing this, we will make Hawaii a better place for everyone. And that is what we are called to do!

McKinley Community School for Adults
634 Pensacola St., Honolulu, HI 96814
9:00 AM & 10:45 AM
Kidz 4 Christ Sunday School and nursery care are available for your little ones.
our pastors

Born in Honolulu and raised in Kane'ohe, Mark is a proud graduate of Castle High School. Mark accepted Jesus as his Savior in 1973 while working at a summer job at Del Monte Cannery. In 1985, he attended Western Seminary in Oregon, graduating summa cum laude in 1988 with a M.A. in Christian Education. For 16 years he served as a pastor at Moanalua Gardens Missionary Church until launching Kaka'ako Christian Fellowship in 2004.
He is married to JoAnn and they have three children - Michelle, John, and Janelle.
Mark loves reading, cooking and scheming up new stuff.
Mark Morimoto
Lead Pastor

Sunny Hong
Associate Pastor
Sunny is passionate about connecting people to God, and to others through everyday life. Originally from Washington D.C., he is continually grateful for the opportunity to live and minster here in Hawaii. His focus has been leading worship, and training young adults and youth to grow in discipleship. He is always finding creative ways to express God’s kingdom in everything from worship, outreach, family, and missions.
If he is not doing ministry or enjoying the great outdoors, you will find him spending time with his incredible wife Hailey and three young children – Adino, Alyna, and Alysa.
He has always been a “thrill-seeker”, and “up-to-the-challenge” type of person who is willing to live out his life to the fullest. Jesus called out to his disciples “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matt. 4:19). This is the life journey he is on to follow Jesus, and to “fish” for people. He is so excited to have the chance to build relationships with KCF members and be apart of God’s vision for this new season.