First of all, I want to extend a shout out to Mari Shimabukuro and her family, for the wonderful Food Bank food drive she coordinated last Saturday. They delivered almost 900 pounds of well needed food to the Food Bank. Great job, Mari! Thank you for all of you who took time to drive down to our office on Saturday to drop off your donations. I want you all to know how blessed I was by the small things with great love that you all did. You know what they say,“Teamwork makes the dream work!”
I want you all to know that we are diligently seeking God for His leading as we move forward. There is so much that is uncertain right now and not many answers. But God is faithful, and He is still leading us onward. As hard as it is, this is not a time to mourn and yearn for all the things we are unable to do as a church. This is a time to see what God is doing and get behind that!
I am reminded of the Apostle Paul’s words in Philippians 3:13-14- “…I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.”Friends, this is a time to look forward to what lies ahead and press on to reach all that God is calling us to. This is a really exciting time for all of us at KCF. In the weeks ahead, we will begin to look at what God is calling us to as we press on.
Please pray that we would press on and reach all God has for us moving forward. Yes, there are things we miss, but with Jesus, the best is yet to come! Let’s join our hearts, seek to follow God, and see His best for all of us. It is my strong belief that we will see many, many people come to know Jesus, through the testimony and love of the people in our church as we reach out. Yes, we can’t meet together in person on Sundays, but the gates of hell will not prevail and the church will go on and grow! May we never forget that we are the church.
We will see God do things only God can do. We will see our families, our friends, our co-workers, our acquaintances, even those who might been seen as our enemies, come to experience the love and saving grace of Jesus, not because we are gathered together in a building every Sunday. We will see all this as we, the church go out into our world and truly be the church God has called us to be! As Gene Kranz said in the movie, Apollo 13,“With all due respect, sir, I believe this is going to be our finest hour!”I pray that will our experience moving forward! Are you in? I sure hope so!
This week, we will be celebrating Communion. Please make sure you have your bread and juice ready to go.